Ireland 2023
26/03/23 09:47
When I saw the 14EUR cost of flying from Edinburgh to Cork, I realised I should take the opportunity to meet up with the Americans and tour about for a little while. Cork to Killarney on the coach was through the loveliest of countryside and then much laughter for a few days as we toured around. Friday was up eagerly to travel to Dublin for the weekend celebrations, but most of us weary travellers just snoozed on the coach! Saturday in Dublin Cathedral we were al resplendent in our mantles and the singing was really good for a change! Thereafter the Twinning Dinner in the hotel (lovely hotel) before our farewell breakfast in the morning. A huge success for the Irish Priory and friendships renewed across the Atlantic!
Came back with a terrible cold that only dissipated before the Quiz…

Came back with a terrible cold that only dissipated before the Quiz…