Smallest man, largest van
23/01/18 15:00
The world's heaviest German engineered wifi radiators (I kid you not) arrived at last this afternoon, delivered in the biggest lorry to ever navigate up Old Faskally hill and on to the drive. Driven by the shortest man in the universe (Tom Thumb towered over him I am sure).
Of course it was left to me and the 70 year old electrician to off-load them and sign for them. Thankfully I have my man-loader delivery trolley (every time I use it I think it was the best purchase of our first year in OFH). I have now downloaded the app for my phone and will start setting rooms up on the app later this week. Not only are they wifi programmable, but manual too, so they will be on, On, ON in the first rooms later this afternoon and I can start to thaw out.
Anthony is going to LOVE the amount of cardboard we will need to take to the recycling later this week…

Of course it was left to me and the 70 year old electrician to off-load them and sign for them. Thankfully I have my man-loader delivery trolley (every time I use it I think it was the best purchase of our first year in OFH). I have now downloaded the app for my phone and will start setting rooms up on the app later this week. Not only are they wifi programmable, but manual too, so they will be on, On, ON in the first rooms later this afternoon and I can start to thaw out.
Anthony is going to LOVE the amount of cardboard we will need to take to the recycling later this week…