March 2018
Easter 2018
31/03/18 14:26
Two Thirds of the Tridium this year as I could not face getting my feet washed on Maundy Thursday. We are sick of chocolate now in the house!

Managed to get an upgrade to the reading glasses, not quite re-entry shields yet! Looking forward to heading to Athens later in the month and next month to Australia!

Managed to get an upgrade to the reading glasses, not quite re-entry shields yet! Looking forward to heading to Athens later in the month and next month to Australia!
28/03/18 14:44
The Trustees of the Cuthbert-MacLean Foundation were invited to witness the opening of the multi-sensory classroom at St Charles' School. It was a lovely afternoon.

Adam Visit
15/03/18 14:25
A visit from Adam for a few days around his birthday, so we treated ourselves to a steak night in Pitlochry which was lovely. Pam moved out, but not before reversing her car down the bank of the garden and we had to explain that to the gardener. She was not injured thankfully but quite shaken.

Birthday 2018
07/03/18 14:24
Snow continues throughout March, almost every day since 13th November!
A quiet birthday at home preparing for a visit from Wickes for the new bathroom and from the painter and decorator. So busy here! A couple of hospital appointments and it seems I am well on the way to recovery which is good news. It will take ages but I can wait!
A quiet birthday at home preparing for a visit from Wickes for the new bathroom and from the painter and decorator. So busy here! A couple of hospital appointments and it seems I am well on the way to recovery which is good news. It will take ages but I can wait!
04/03/18 14:27
Was down in London form my usual visit to work and due to catch the Sleeper train back. However the snow got the best of me and I was stuck in London that night in a Pod Hotel. Next day I attempted an East Coast daytime train up to Edinburgh but the trains were not passing Newcastle, so I attempted a journey up to Glasgow and would worry about getting to Killiecrankie at some point. The gods of rail travel thwarted my journey and we were told that no trains were going beyond Carlisle, but we should all get off in Preston as there were no rooms in Carlisle to be found. Two days stuck in Preston - I know it like the back of my hand! Saturday I decided that as the Central Belt of Scotland, from Glasgow to Edinburgh was impassable I would fly from Birmingham to Inverness, so I headed south from Preston and caught a very busy plane to Inverness - lots of people were having the same idea!
Arriving in Inverness I was so pleased, and as Anthony had been updating me on the status of the food shelves in Pitlochry (no vans coming to Perth and beyond!) I did a quick shop there and arrived in Pitlochry at 1930, having been traveling for four days! I could have been in Australia quicker (and returned!).
Managed a safe return from London a fortnight later, and took this image:

Arriving in Inverness I was so pleased, and as Anthony had been updating me on the status of the food shelves in Pitlochry (no vans coming to Perth and beyond!) I did a quick shop there and arrived in Pitlochry at 1930, having been traveling for four days! I could have been in Australia quicker (and returned!).
Managed a safe return from London a fortnight later, and took this image: