Fort Augustus again
04/06/17 19:55
A drive, a LONG drive up to Fort Augustus again. Although I have done that drive lots of times now, it seemed very long this time. I guess it was the slow moving caravans and mobile homes hogging the limelight on the road. This trip was to meet up with one of the OSMTH ANZ members who was doing the John O'Groats-Land's End walk with his wife for various charities in Australia. They have my support all the way. Can you imagine taking eight weeks to walk from the north east to the south west? As someone who thinks that there is nowhere in the UK I need to go to visit that cannot be seen from car/boat/train my admiration is boundless.
Surprisingly the drive back was quick! What is that all about?
Here are Andrew and Danielle.
Surprisingly the drive back was quick! What is that all about?
Here are Andrew and Danielle.