Bonnetmakers & Dyers 2017
27/10/17 10:32
As Anthony was off fact-gathering in Palestine for almost two weeks, life could have been dull but the day he left Killiecrankie I drove him to Edinburgh and then headed to Glasgow as I was heading out that night with GeorgeM, Marie & Tony and Kathleen to the Bonnetmakers & Dyers annual dinner in the Trades Hall. My did we all look smart! I had remembered this time to bring and wear my Fan Maker Liveryman badge on its blue ribbon. The dinner itself was lovely and conversation flowed and then there was a millinery parade from one of the prize-winners - I joined Marie and Kathleen swooning at some of the creations.

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What a great night it was, and it was not over! We went to Rab Ha's for a quiet drink afterward which did not last long as we met up with colleagues of Kathleen and dragged them to a nightclub where DaddyG and I danced the night away! Home to Kathleen's at 3am to be woken at 11:00 by Paul delivering Grace…

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What a great night it was, and it was not over! We went to Rab Ha's for a quiet drink afterward which did not last long as we met up with colleagues of Kathleen and dragged them to a nightclub where DaddyG and I danced the night away! Home to Kathleen's at 3am to be woken at 11:00 by Paul delivering Grace…