A new entry
21/02/17 14:16
2016 was a very poor year for updating this website. I am sure that is because I don't spend hours sitting at the kitchen table as I did at No62, and instead either enjoy the garden, visitors or the dogs, who both grow larger with each passing day. Today Alfie cocked his leg for the first time, and I was indeed proud! Today we said a brief goodbye to Pam who was heading back to London for a while, but she will return in a few weeks to begin house-hunting herself. All very exciting indeed!
Last weekend we were down in Birmingham, having left the house at 04:20 to catch the plane from Edinburgh. It was a long day but very enjoyable and we were home at 22:30 and exhausted!
Gratuitious image of Vincent below:

Last weekend we were down in Birmingham, having left the house at 04:20 to catch the plane from Edinburgh. It was a long day but very enjoyable and we were home at 22:30 and exhausted!
Gratuitious image of Vincent below: